Kindle Vella Statistics

All Stories:
First Published: July 23, 2021
Total Episodes: 93
Total Stories Published: 3
Total Reads: 46,162
Total Likes: 9,664
Total Followers: 2,947
Total Reviews: 14 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Letter to my Kindle Vella Readers:
It took me a minute to try and figure out what I wanted to say, but I found even now I'm still at a loss for words.
Amazon announced that Kindle Vella is coming to an end in February 2025. Wow. For my newer followers, it’s the platform that launched my writing career. Not only did I find my first readers, but I made my first author friends—ones so special that I couldn’t even imagine these ladies not in my life.
Unlike them, I don’t have any active stories on Vella, just my completed Backward Fairy Tales series. But for others, this is their main source of income. I’m praying for those of you scrambling to pivot with this big change.
For those still reading on the platform, you have until 12/4/2024 to buy any extra tokens you wish and then read up until 2/2025 before Vella shuts their doors for good. All the purchased episodes will stay in your digital library after the closure and can be accessed via your Kindle app (but no longer on the web). Unused tokens will be refunded in an Amazon gift card (Amazon said they would be notifying us of more info on that in February.) If you are hoping to read certain stories before they are pulled—NOW IS THE TIME! Some authors are moving to different serial platforms, but might take some time to get situated, but others are pulling their stories down for good.
Let me just say it again—I am SO thankful for everything Kindle Vella has done for me. I took a chance in 2021 on a new serial platform, and it changed my life. A Forest of Stolen Memories wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for the encouragement of my Vella readers. I would never have been able to afford editing costs, my beautiful cover, and formatting software for AFOSM to be the beautiful book it is today. I’ll always be grateful to Amazon and my first readers. Thank you for everything!
Goodbye Kindle Vella…you will be missed.
Last Day to Buy Tokens: December 4, 2024
Last Day to Read: before February 2025